Monday, January 9, 2012

RavenDB on Linux - Update

I spent some more time with RavenDB source code trying to figure out what might have been causing the runtime errors which had led me to comment the "SatisfyImportsOnce" line and supply code to manually load MEF exports.

It turns out that some of the Imports were not being satisfied. The one place in particular was in the OAuth code under Raven.Database/Server/Security/OAuth/OAuthClientCredentialsTokenResponder.cs file. The member IAuthenticateClient AuthenticateClient was expecting import of type IAuthenticateClient which was not being satisfied.

I reverted my changes made to in connection with disabling SatisfyImportsOnce and loading exports manually, rebuilt the project, and fired up the server application. I was presented with the same nasty stack trace.
I commented out the Import attribute from AuthenticateClient, rebuilt the project, and tried running the server second time. It worked!

There were other similar instances in the code where the imports were being satisfied with corresponding exports. I learnt this from running the xUnit tests on the application. It wasn't making sense. RavenDB was supposed to be a complete solution.

I did a filesystem search for AuthenticateClient under solutions root folder and sure enough I found results in CSharp code files that were not part of the Raven.sln file. These files and many more were under the Bundles folder under their own solution. I compiled these projects - Raven.Bundles.Tests did not build due to some issues - mono or monodevelop specific I assume.

I copied the generated dll files into the Bundles/Plugins folder and set its path as the value to the "Raven/PluginsDirectory" key in App.Config for Raven.Server project.
I uncommented the import attribute, rebuilt the solution and fired up the server the third time. It worked this time as well.

Next, I'll try to re-run some of those xUnit tests that had failed earlier to see how much ground could be covered out of those 1160 tests that came packaged with RavenDB.

This article is part of the series NoSQL - RavenDB on Linux. The series contains the following articles:
NoSQL - RavenDB on Linux
Open Source Shines - RavenDB on Linux
RavenDB on Linux - Source Code
RavenDB on Linux - Update


  1. Keep up the good work! Using your fork, and this post I got RavenDB fired up on Mac OSX :)

    1. Thanks Simon. I am glad you found the information useful. It has been a learning experience for me.

  2. Great stuff Karim, gonna try and pull down your fork now!

    1. Since I don't do this full time, I haven't kept it up to date. I'd recommend get latest from RavenDB's source and then manually apply my changes to them in case they don't work right out of the box. Remember however that you'll need to modify the configuration file to use Munin/Managed instead of Esent storage which comes defaulted.
